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Tepelné čerpadlo je vynikajúca technológia, ale vie aj poriadne znepríjemniť život. Nie vždy je to zariadením samotným, ale naopak nesprávnou montážou alebo jeho umiestnením, ktoré spôsobuje prenos hlučnosti do susedských objektov. Asi každý z nás si praje mať dobrého suseda. Ak tepelné čerpadlo používate alebo o ňom uvažujete, jeho umiestnenie a hlučnosť je tiež niečo čo by ste nemali zanedbať.
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Potrubné bazénové odvlhčovače Microwell DRY DUCT a HORIZON nahrádzajú rekuperácie
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Reklamačný poriadok spoločnosti MICROWELL, spol. s r.o.
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Simplify Your Split Heat Pump Installation with Copper Pipe Connection Sets
Installing a split heat pump system can be a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for heating and cooling your home. However, the installation process can often be complex and time-consuming, leading also to increased costs. Fortunately, advancements in technology have made it easier than ever to simplify the installation process. One such innovation is the use of copper pipe connection pre-filled sets, specifically designed for split heat pumps. In this article, we will explore how these connection sets can lower installation costs and save you valuable time.
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Microwell Swimming Pool DRY Dehumidifiers: Filtering Out Unwanted Intruders
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PV ready heat pumps
Solar PV ready heat pumps are an innovative solution that is making it possible for homeowners to achieve energy independence and save money on energy bills. With solutions from Microwell, homeowners can create an all-electric home that is powered entirely by renewable energy sources, resulting in minimal to non-existent bills. You pool, house, jacuzzi or spa can now really be almost free to use.
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PV ready DRY
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PV ready Heat Pump
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Microwell introduces lifetime warranty.
Microwell comes forward and makes a great leap in providing its customers and users of products made by Microwell wider warranty periods. Thanks to reliability of Microwell products, trust and confidence customers and users put into Microwell brand, the swimming pool range “DRY” receives never before seen guarantee commitments in the industry.
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Advantages of Invisible Heat Pump
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Multiple Heat pumps
Multiple Heat pumps
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Microwell provides comfort recovery for World Cup 2022 superstars
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Quick HP selection MICROWELL GUIDE
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Why Microwell Inverter?
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Microwell follows the latest trends in technology
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Microwell launches inverter heat pump.
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Our thoughts on Microwell Global Conference 2019
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Microwell is environmentally conscious
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Dehumidification of pools
Any hotelkeeper can imagine what damage to property and health of guests and employees can be caused by a damp building. The foreseeing ones invest in prevention rather than in dealing with the consequences.
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Tag der offenen Tür in Microwell
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We were awarded the Slovak Business Superbrands Award 2019.
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Kann ein 30 Liter Luftentfeuchter eine Leistung von 55 Litern schaffen?
Kann ein Luftentfeuchter mit einer Extraktionsleistung von 30 Litern 55 Liter Wasserextraktion leisten?
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Luftfeuchtigkeit im Schwimmbad
Nutzen Sie unsere individuelle kostenlose Beratung und Berechnung, um den passenden Entfeuchter für Ihren Bedarf zu finden.
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Will der Kunde immer das Beste?
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Auswahl des richtigen Luftentfeuchters und der Wärmepumpe
Ich verbrachte die letzten 6 Jahre in fast allen Ländern Europas, Russland, der Türkei und dem Mittleren Osten, um unsere Händler zu treffen und Schulungen für ihr Verkaufs- / technisches Personal oder ihre lokalen Wiederverkäufer zu machen.
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